VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Wearing a face mask DOES NOT cause cancer
The post is premised on a false and already-debunked claim about masks causing oxygen deficiency.
The post is premised on a false and already-debunked claim about masks causing oxygen deficiency.
There are no records or scientific evidence supporting the claim that the plant is cancerous, although it can be poisonous and should not be chewed or ingested.
On June 8, several netizens, including Pinoy Ako Blog author Jover Laurio, pointed out seemingly contradicting statements from San Juan City Mayor Francisco Zamora, who recently referred to his wife as a “stage 3 breast cancer patient” after claiming seven months ago that she was already “cancer free.”
HIV and SARS-CoV-2 are different in nature, according to the World Health Organization.
This story is inaccurate.