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Lessons from Scarborough shoal standoff

Adverse weather situation provided a face-saving exit for both the Philippines and China in the more than two-month standoff over Scarborough shoal, also referred to as Panatag shoal or Bajo de Masinloc by Filipinos and Huangyan island by the Chinese.

Lessons from Scarborough shoal standoff

China sends reinforcement in standoff with PH Navy

IT'S now one against three in the ongoing standoff in Scarborough shoal in the South China Sea, with a lone Philippine Navy vessel up against three Chinese Marine Surveillance (CMS) ships whose presence, officials say, violates Philippine sovereignty.

China sends reinforcement in standoff with PH Navy

China fired at Filipino fishermen in Jackson atoll

“This is Chinese Warship 560. You are in the China territory. Leave the area immediately.”
Upon hearing this warning through a marine band radio, three Philippine boats fishing in Quirino, or Jackson atoll, a Philippine-claimed islet off Palawan in the disputed Spratly Islands, scampered away. But the Chinese warship still fired three shots at the vessels.

China fired at Filipino fishermen in Jackson atoll