THE Embassy of Canada’s small-grants facility is accepting proposals for funding small development projects in the country.
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) will directly fund small projects of community groups, nongovernment organizations, people’s organizations and in exceptional cases, international NGOs, and government institutions that address governance, democracy, capacity building, economic and social development issues.
The CFLI or Canada Fund invites applications for short-term (maximum of six months, from October, 2012 to March 31, 2013) development projects that will have a positive impact on the proposed project’s target sector and participants.
Priority themes for this year:
- Democratic governance to ensure security and stability: May refer to projects that promote respect for human rights and democracy and improve governance in the public sector; may also include partnerships to strengthen civil society, and the security and safety of the individual
- Sustainable economic growth by improving basic human needs and increasing opportunities for women and youth: May refer to projects that can generate development by creating jobs, increase incomes, and achieve sustainable livelihood
- Disaster relief and risk reduction: In exceptional circumstances, support could be given to projects that respond to disaster emergencies such as relief operations, reconstruction of vital community facilities, or proactive plans and activities that can mitigate the destructive effects of natural disasters
Project proposals may be in the range of P1 to 2 million. Applications must meet specific requirements and respond to this year’s themes.
Other criteria for selection are viability and ability to complete the project within the specified time frame; clarity and alignment of project objectives to the Government of Canada’s priority themes; relevance and extent of beneficiary participation in project planning and implementation; cost-effectiveness; and track record of proponent organization.
Interested organizations may contact the Embassy of Canada for an application template through email at Applications must be received by Sept. 14.