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Ibon-Ebun Festival marks bird migration in Candaba

Text, photos, and video by VINCENT GO
Ibon-Ebun, which means "bird and egg," marks the start of the exodus of migratory birds from the swamplands of Candaba. These birds arrive in October and stay up to February to escape the winter chill in other countries.

By verafiles

Feb 5, 2012

-minute read

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Text, photos and video by VINCENT GO

THE Ibon-Ebun Festival of Candaba town in Pampanga started in 2008 when about 17,000 birds were sighted in a 24-hour census. Ibon-Ebun, which means “bird and egg,” marks the start of the exodus of migratory birds from the swamplands of Candaba. These birds arrive in October and stay up to February to escape the winter chill in other countries.

The bird migration gave the Candaba local government the idea of creating the annual celebration. Now on its fifth year, it is one of the biggest and most colorful local events in the country.

Candaba is known for its large and scenic swamps and fresh water marshlands. It is the lowest point in Central Luzon and turns into a catch basin when the monsoon season starts. The residents of Candaba contend with the yearly flooding that occurs during the rainy seasons, but the local government said the town is adapting to these difficulties.

Protecting the swamps and bird sanctuary from poachers has increased the number of birds taking refuge in the Candaba swamp during winter season thus making the area a tourist attraction for nature lovers, bird watchers and a tool to promote eco-tourism.

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