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Learn your body repair schedule

  By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS ON weekend outings, it takes a lot of will power not to overeat. The Lake Hotel in Tagaytay (where our group, VERA Files, held a writeshop on human trafficking last weekend) helps guests enjoy their vacation the healthy way. Their breakfast buffet offers nutritious drinks: There’s one for cleansing: a

By verafiles

Aug 26, 2014

-minute read

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ON weekend outings, it takes a lot of will power not to overeat.

The Lake Hotel in Tagaytay (where our group, VERA Files, held a writeshop on human trafficking last weekend) helps guests enjoy their vacation the healthy way.

Healthy juicesTheir breakfast buffet offers nutritious drinks: There’s one for cleansing: a greenish concoction of red apple,Lemon, celery stalk, carrot, parsley stem, cucumber and ginger.

There is another one for those who want to lose weight. A mixture of carrots, cucumber, cabbage and orange. For diabetics, they a combination of carrot, celery, and green apple juice.

On the bedside table , they have a reproduction of “Health Body Clock” from the Health Reviser website which explains why at certain times of day we feel sluggish and experience headaches.

Health Reviser says that’s because organs in our body are trying to repair the damage done to it. It says “Every organ in your body has a repair/maintenance schedule to keep on a daily basis.”

Body clockLearn about our body clock:

“Lungs: The lungs are the first organs of the day that are up for repair and maintenance. Lungs begins loosening the poisoning waste between 3 to 5 a.m., and when you awaken, this is why you cough sometimes. Your lungs are trying to expel the loosened waste. If you are coughing in the morning, this indicates that your diet and lifestyle needs tweaking.

“Large Intestine or Colon: 5 to 7 a. m. is the time for this organ. A healthy colon needs water to do its job properly, which is flushing waste matter 24/7. The morning is the most important time to drink plenty of water for this process, and the worst time to have caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic and takes water away from your colon to your kidneys and bladder for evacuation. Your body needs water in the morning to do its repair and maintenance of the large intestine and colon. This helps you maintain digestion, normalize weight, slow down the ageing process. When you irrigate your system every morning with pure water (up to 32 oz.) your health improves. If you wait until you have a bowel movement before you eat in the morning, this is also healthier for your colon.

“Stomach: Between 7 and 9 a.m., the stomach is repairing and does not need a big meal to deal with. While the large intestine and colon needs fluid to repair properly in the morning, the stomach needs very little. Start with fluids (pure water or fresh juiced vegetables) or fresh fruit that is easily digested. However, if you can, drink only fluids in the morning for optimal health.


“Spleen: From 9 to 11 a.m. the spleen gets cleaned. During this time/process or when the spleen is in a weakened state, you may suffer with allergies or not be able to shake a cold or flu. This is because the spleen works with the liver and your immune system. A healthy spleen produces antibodies when there is an infection and constantly watches the blood for invaders.

“Heart: The time for heart repairs is between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Your body is removing waste from the heart and you may sometimes notice a rapid heartbeat, double beats and/or skipping beats. Seventy percent of heart attacks occur when the heart is in its repair period.

“Small Intestines: Have you noticed that between 1 to 3 p.m. you are more apt to have indigestion, pain and bloating? If this happens, two things could be wrong: 1. Your diet is not what it should be and your food is not digesting; 2. Your diet is causing problems that are now causing you stress. A proper diet will help take care of these problems.

“Kidneys and Bladder: From 3 to 7 p.m. you may notice you’re tired and want a nap. When the kidneys are healthy and working properly, you’ll feel energetic at that time, not tired.

“Pancreas: Between 7 to 9 p.m. do you have intense cravings for sweets or processed carbohydrates that turn to sugar immediately in the system? The kidneys regulate the pancreas, and if you do consume sweets during that period, you may notice low back pain, which is a kidney symptom. The kidneys, bladder and pancreas are all parts of the same whole. If you need a nap early in the evening it is just your pancreas, as directed by your kidneys, putting you out so it can do its repairs.

“Blood Vessels and Arteries: From 9 to 11 p.m. the blood vessels go into repair mode. The impact on the body is: headaches, weakness while vessels are in heavy repair.

“Liver and Gallbladder: Between 11 p.m. to 3 a. m. these two guys go into action. Do you ever have nights when you can’t sleep at this time? This means that waste is not being processed by your liver and it acts as an irritant to your body causing insomnia and frayed nerves. Your brain just won’t stop.”

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