KALIBO, Aklan–Viernes Santo or Good Friday is the most solemn of all the days in Holy Week. It commemorates the Passion and Death of Jesus on the Cross. The Sorrowful Mystery is depicted in the life- sized image of religious figures on caros or chariots.
Adorned in intricately woven robes, aromatic flowers, and blinding lights, the caros make their way into town.
The whole town of Kalibo, Aklan in Panay is closed and all businesses cease from selling any commodities. The only sign of trade would be the vendors selling candles on the street. Or refreshments for those who have come from farflung barrios away to participate in the annual religious activity.
As with all small towns rich with history, the entire population gather in the plaza. House lights are dimmed. Music is turned down to an almost inaudible level. The only sound one can hear, is the prayers coming from the pursed lips of the devout.
Townsfolk walk alongside the caros of their choice as they pray for guidance and strength to endure the three hour long procession and to endure life’s trials and tribulations.