VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Padilla echoes Marcos, Guevarra statements against ICC that lack context
The ICC retains jurisdiction over any crimes that occurred in the Philippines when it was still a state party from Nov. 1, 2011 to March 16, 2019.
The ICC retains jurisdiction over any crimes that occurred in the Philippines when it was still a state party from Nov. 1, 2011 to March 16, 2019.
Red-tagging is the “vilification, labeling or guilt by association” involving “the characterization of most groups on the left of the political spectrum as “front organizations” for armed groups whose aim is to destroy democracy.”
While Marcos is correct that well-milled rice can be bought at P25 per kilo, he stopped short of saying that this is available only at the Kadiwa stores managed by the National Food Authority.
The figures are referring only to gross borrowings or new debt that the government has incurred.
Compared to other Southeast Asian countries, the Philippines' inflation is the sixth highest recorded in 2022. Economic experts say that even if the Philippine economy posted growth, inflation grew faster since December.