VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Solar superstorm causing ‘internet apocalypse’ has NO BASIS
Videos circulating on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok are claiming that a solar superstorm would cause a global internet outage for months. This is baseless.
Videos circulating on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok are claiming that a solar superstorm would cause a global internet outage for months. This is baseless.
BARMM Interior Minister Naguib Sinarimbo did not say Christians have no place in Marawi.
A YouTube video is falsely claiming that President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has appointed SAGIP Party-list Rep. Rodante Marcoleta as House speaker to replace Martin Romualdez.
A Facebook page uploaded a 10-year-old clip of a storm surge falsely passing it off as a tsunami after the magnitude 7.4 quake that recently jolted parts of Mindanao.
A video on Facebook is claiming to show combat footage recently taken during the Israel-Hamas war. This is not true, the video is not recent.