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Tag Archives: 2013 elections

Crunch time

  By ELLEN TORDESILLAS WITH two more weeks to go before Election Day, candidates are moving heaven and earth to get that much coveted post. Expect more black propaganda, vote buying, junkings and soul-selling. Senatorial candidates would be dealing individually with local politicians. The declaration of Albay Gov. Joey Salceda, head of the Liberal Party

Crunch time

The world’s a ‘small’ man’s oyster, says Senate bet

By HOMER TEODORO TARLAC City — It could have been a case of David taking a potshot against Goliath, only senatorial bet Greco Belgica is about 6 feet tall and does not mince words, not even against a president. “I think the President made a mistake,” Belgica said, referring to President Benigno Aquino III’s recent move

The world’s a ‘small’ man’s oyster, says Senate bet

Election in Samar is all in the family

By VICENTE ALEJANDRO CATBALOGAN CITY – The political family currently in power in Samar is digging its heels into the province by fielding all its members as candidates, although they are facing a challenge from other emerging dynasties.

Election in Samar is all in the family

PNP vows to dismantle Samar’s two remaining private armies

CATBALOGAN CITY—As the start of the campaign period for the May 13 elections draws near, the Philippine National Police in Eastern Visayas is pursuing the remaining members of two partisan/private armed groups (PAGs) in hotspot Samar to ensure a “secured and fair elections.”

PNP vows to dismantle Samar’s two remaining private armies

Ilocos Norte PNP evaluating watchlist areas

By LEILANIE ADRIANO LAOAG CITY— Police are considering declaring this city and five other towns as priority watchlist areas in the May elections. Senior Superintendent Gerardo Ratuita, acting police provincial director, said the towns of Marcos, Pagudpud, Pasuquin, Dingras, Sarrat and Laoag City are being monitored as possible priority watchlist areas.

Ilocos Norte PNP evaluating watchlist areas