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Tag Archives: Alan Purisima

Let’s not forget Purisima

  By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS WHILE we are riveted to the splendor of Hacienda Binay’s Kew Gardens and air-conditioned piggery, let us not forget Philippine National Police Chief Alan Purisima and his questionable acts as a public official. The public should be more vigilant of the Purisima case because no less than President Aquino is

Let’s not forget Purisima

1987 coup: The ties that bind PNoy and Purisima

By Ellen T. Tordesillas President Aquino’s dogged defense of Police Chief Alan Purisima despite revelations of acts of irregularity and the public’s frustration over breakdown of law and order, have led many to ask what’s behind the closeness of the two. While in New York last week, Aquino described the PNP Chief as ““not capricious.”

1987 coup: The ties that bind PNoy and Purisima