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Tag Archives: arroyo

VERA FILES AT 10: Arroyo sons acquire U.S. homes, businesses after election to Congress

Presidential son and Pampanga Rep. Juan Miguel “Mikey” Arroyo has failed to declare in his Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) for the last two years a $1.32 million or P63.7 million beachfront property in the San Francisco Bay Area in California, which he bought and then transferred to his wife Angela in 2006.The house, located at 1655 Beach Park Blvd in Foster City in San Mateo County, is now up for sale, but does not appear in Mikey’s 2007 and 2008 SALN.

VERA FILES AT 10: Arroyo sons acquire U.S. homes, businesses after election to Congress

Manuel ‘Manny’ Villar Jr.

Villar says he won’t let Arroyo off the hook that easily. He said he has proven himself in the Senate in demanding Arroyo’s explanation over the ‘Hello, Garci’ scandal and the ZTE controversy. (ISANG TANONG, GMA News). Villar added that he “will not lift a finger in defending (Arroyo).” (ABS-CBNNEWS.COM). But at the height of

Manuel ‘Manny’ Villar Jr.

Gilberto ‘Gibo’ Teodoro

The administration candidate has tiptoed the issue by saying: “If I help pursue a case against her, people would think I was participating in a whitewash. If I don’t join, they would say I am not doing my job. My principle here is anyone can file a case…I will not interfere. Let justice be done.”

Gilberto ‘Gibo’ Teodoro