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Tag Archives: Election 2016

 Candidates define campaign in kick-off rallies

By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS                                                          IF only the evidence of corruption against Vice President Jojo Binay were not overwhelming, I would consider voting for him in the May election simply because of his promise that those earning P30,000 a month (annual income of P360,000) and below will be exempted from paying income tax. Kim Henares’ BIR

 Candidates define campaign in kick-off rallies

Trillanes  formalizes vice-presidential bid

By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS SEN. Antonio Trillanes IV last Saturday declared his candidacy for vice-president in the May 2016 elections during the national convention of Samahang Magdalo at  Amoranto Stadium in Quezon City last Saturday . Although a member of the Nacionalista Party, Trillanes will be running as an independent candidate carrying Grace Poe as

Trillanes  formalizes vice-presidential bid

The worst is yet to come for Binay

                               By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS PULSE Asia’s latest poll on approval and trust ratings of top government officials showed Vice President Jejomar Binay suffering a huge minus 15 drop in performance and minus 18 in trust in the span of three

The worst is yet to come for Binay