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Tag Archives: Jonas Burgos

Families of desaparecidos pin their hopes on Duterte

By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS FORMER President Benigno Aquino III disappointed them. They are now pinning their hopes on what seemed years ago as the most unlikely person to be on their side:  President Rodrigo Duterte. The Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances or AFAD is requesting for a dialogue with the new president on the issue

Families of desaparecidos pin their hopes on Duterte

Edith Burgos to Aquino: ‘End this suffering of not knowing the truth’

  By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS YESTERDAY, while many joined the mother of OFW Mary Jane Veloso in prayers , another mother continues the agonizing search for her son. Edith Burgos, mother of missing farmer/activist Jonas Burgos, together with relatives of persons who have disappeared, went to the Aquino house in Times St., Quezon city to

Edith Burgos to Aquino: ‘End this suffering of not knowing the truth’

‘Beyond tears and borders’

  By ELLEN TORDESILLAS MESSAGES of faith and hope marked the observance of the International Day of the Disappeared in the Philippines. At the launching of the book, “Beyond Tears and Borders”  at the office of the Commission on Human Rights, Edith Burgos, mother of  farmer/activist  Jonas Burgos who disappeared on April 28, 2007, said

‘Beyond tears and borders’

Jonas Burgos photo surfaces

Text and slideshow by VINCENT GO WITH fresh evidence that her son ended up in military custody after he disappeared six years ago, Edita Burgos is demanding that the Armed Forces of the Philippines own up to the abduction and reveal his whereabouts. Burgos submitted to the Supreme Court a photo of her son Jonas,

Jonas Burgos photo surfaces