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Tag Archives: k9

Aspins rewrite K9 history

ASPINS, the Philippine native dogs, are finally making history. Two aspins have graduated with 25 other purebred dogs from the Philippine Coast Guard’s (PCG) K9 school and will be joining the roster of security dogs guarding the country’s ports against smuggled narcotics and bombs. They proudly trooped to the stage with their handlers to receive their diplomas during a ceremony honouring them at the PCG base camp in Taguig last week.

Aspins rewrite K9 history

Coast Guard trains ‘aspins’ to sniff bombs

By KHRYSTA IMPERIAL RARA EVERY day at 6:30 a.m., Pacman goes to his training area for a 30-minute run. Egged on by his trainer, he goes through his morning routine with the focus and determination of a top-seeded athlete. But this Pacman doesn’t spar with his coach. This Pacman chases his trainer around instead. Pacman the

Coast Guard trains ‘aspins’ to sniff bombs