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Tag Archives: registration

Voting precincts with huge PWD population may be moved to malls

By JAKE SORIANO Photos by DANIEL ABUNALES IF all goes according to plan, voting next year will be more convenient for persons with disabilities (PWDs). Areas with high concentrations of PWD voters might see the last of cramped public school classrooms, as polling could be transferred to hundreds of air-conditioned malls nationwide. The Commission on

Voting precincts with huge PWD population may be moved to malls

Live entertainment woos QC voters on registration day

By JAKE SORIANO Photos and video by DANIEL ABUNALES IT was not a typical scene during voters’ registration. Hundreds of prospective voters from Quezon City, including persons with disabilities (PWDs), lined up early morning of Independence Day at a covered court in Barangay Bagumbahay. But while waiting for their turn, they were treated to a

Live entertainment woos QC voters on registration day

Nationwide online voters’ registration for PWDs pushed

By JAKE SORIANO LAST week’s launch of an online voters’ registration platform is a significant step towards assisting persons with disabilities (PWD) in the capital and will go a long way if coverage would be nationwide. “We hope that online registration will cover persons with disabilities nationwide, but we understand that pilot testing is important before

Nationwide online voters’ registration for PWDs pushed

Low turnout in voter registration of Manila PWDs, senior citizens

By JANE DASAL NEARLY 450 persons with disabilities (PWDs) and senior citizens participated in a special registration in Manila on Sunday, but voters said the number could have been higher had information been properly disseminated. Held at the Central Section of Rizal Park, the Commission on Elections set up the satellite registration for new and old

Low turnout in voter registration of Manila PWDs, senior citizens

Comelec holds registration for Manila PWDs

THE Commission on Elections (Comelec) will be holding a satellite registration for persons with disabilities (PWDs) and senior citizens of Manila on Sunday, June 1. To be held at the Central Section of Rizal Park, the registration will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Voters are to bring at least one valid ID. For more information,

Comelec holds registration for Manila PWDs

‘Let the Ramadhan spirit prevail in ARMM’

By NEF LUCZON, MindaNews CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – As Muslims around the world observe the holy month of Ramadhan, an official in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao expressed hopes it will “lighten the path of the registered voters.” The impoverished autonomous Muslim region ended last Wednesday the 10-day re-registration of voters. Assemblywoman Samira Gutoc-Tomawis

‘Let the Ramadhan spirit prevail in ARMM’