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Battle of Narco lists

This is a classic case of Duterte getting a dose of his own medicine.

By Ellen T. Tordesillas


Apr 5, 2019


-minute read

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This is a classic case of Duterte getting a dose of his own medicine.

Two weeks after he released the initial list of local officials allegedly involved in drug trafficking, two videos implicating the President’s son, former Davao City Vice Mayor Paolo Duterte and now candidate for Representative of Davao City’s first district, were uploaded onYou Tube and Facebook account of “Metro Balita”, which lists itself as “media/news company.”

Titled “Ang Totoong Narcolist” , Episode 1 is 6 minutes and 50 seconds long. Episode 2 is three minutes and 30 seconds.

The videos look professionally done. So is the annotation.

The video shows a hooded whistleblower, who identified himself as “Bikoy”- not his real name, -who claims to be a former member of a drug syndicate operating in Southern Luzon and Visayas region. He said he was involved in the recording of transactions which explains the documents that he presented in the video.

He said his work involved recording how much money is allotted per leader of the syndicate monthly.

The documents, the narrator said, were the syndicate’s internal documents referred to as TARA since 2010. A typical TARA document has a date, the code name of the principal, the bank accounts of the principal and the deposits made. At the bottom of the documents are signature which the narrator said were to proof that the listed details in the documents are accurate.

The principal of one document Bikoy presented has two codenames. One wasPOLO DELTA-TSG01 and the other was ALPHA TIERRA-0029.

The narrator commented the principal was not “so bright” because his code name was close to his real name.

According to the document, the account of Principal number one was in the name of Carpio Reyes Waldo and Carpio Waldo.

Waldo Carpio is the brother of Sara Duterte’s husband, Manases Carpio, who was mentioned in last year’s scandal of the P6 billion shabu smuggling allegedly facilitated by the Davao Group.

Waldo Carpio is agriculture undersecretary.

In the 2018 summary of deposits of Waldo Carpio’s account, the monthly deposit was P30 million. Then the money were transferred to another account which the annotator said belonged to Paolo Duterte.

Malacañang immediately dismissed it as “black propaganda.” The Philippine National Police won’t dare touch the subject.

Paolo Duterte’s reaction?

In his Facebook account, the next representative of Davao’s first district said ranted without refuting the details Bikoy showed like the bank accounts. Paolo merely said:

“Wow ha kung makaimbento ka wagas. Galit ka kay Waldo kasi binabara niya lahat ng smuggling mo ng bigas at asukal diba J.S. (Wow, you’re so good at inventing. You’re mad at Waldo because he is blocking your rice and sugar smuggling. Right J.S?).

“Galit ka sa akin kasi di kita pinansin sa eroplano kasi hambog ka! Ngayon pansinin na kita kasama ng kamay ko na kasing laki ng mukha mo pag nangyari yan. Yan ang totoong balita (You’re mad at me because I snubbed you on a flight because you’re so arrogant. Now, I’m giving you attention – with my hand as big as your face. That’s real news).”

And Sara Duterte?

She skipped the Hugpong rally at Tangub. Misamis Occidental Wednesday. At first the reports said to attend to a “family matter” that is an “emergency. “ The next day, reports said it was due to “security.”

That was a few hours after Episode 2 of “AngTotoong Narcolist” was uploaded. It mentioned a codename VERA REGA and identified a recipient: Veronica Salvador.

This is riveting.

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