CEBU City–Just like any brand of shampoo, diaper, energy drink or deodorant, candidates need to be properly ‘packaged’ to become sellable to the Filipino voters. With the help of image builders, they employ various marketing strategies to convince voters they are the best brand in the market.
Political analyst Prospero De Vera dissects these techniques in these four webisodes on packaging and spins created by political candidates and their team of strategists. Click on the links below to take a page from an expert on how to effectively package a candidate.
Political ads must be believable
The element of believability is key to maximizing a campaign especially when it is being run on a tight budget.
Too many bets, too little time for election debates
A meaningful issue-based public debate among national candidates is near to impossible in the Philippines because of time constraints.
Talking ‘globalization’ at the local level
Connect and communicate with people, and try to make global issues understandable to local voters.
Should a campaign strategist change a candidate’s image to match what voters want, or keep the image and try to reverse voters’ perception of what they need?