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Human rights, environment projects top Canada’s small grants program

THE Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) recently awarded financial grants to 11 projects that seek to advance democracy, ensure security and stability, and stimulate sustainable economic growth. VERA Files is among the 11 recipients of the competitive small grants program.

By verafiles

Nov 24, 2012

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THE Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) recently awarded financial grants to 11 projects that seek to advance democracy, ensure security and stability, and stimulate sustainable economic growth.

VERA Files is among the 11 recipients of the competitive small grants program that provides direct funding assistance to community groups, nongovernment organizations, people’s organizations for small development projects.

Under the Canada Funded-supported Vote 2013 (In-Depth Reporting on the 2013 Elections), Vera Files will train local journalists and civil society representatives to report on next year’s midterm elections. A microsite will also be set up as the platform for their output. The training for journalists will be conducted in Cebu next week.

“We are very pleased to be able to work with the successful applicants to enhance ongoing efforts to bring positive change in communities across the country,” said Canadian Ambassador Christopher Thornley. The program is run by the Embassy of Canada.

The other 10 successful projects to be funded this year by the Canada Fund:

  • Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction Education and Management in Schools in Benguet : The People’s Initiative for Learning and Community Development (PILCD) will promote the inclusion of disaster risk reduction in the teaching curriculum and the development of school-based disaster contingency plans in select schools in Benguet.
  • Strengthening Civil Society Organizations-Armed Forces of the Philippines / Philippine National Police (CSO-AFP/PNP) Partnerships toward the Promotion of Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Peace in North Cotabato and Maguindanao: The Balay Mindanaw Foundation Inc. (BMFI) will work to enhance understanding and capacity in the security sector on democratic participation in local governance, peace building and conflict transformation, in conflict-affected areas in the two provinces.
  • Los Banos Community Center for Therapy, Intervention and Support Services for Children with Disabilities and their Families: The Autism Society Philippines–Laguna Chapter will support community-based rehabilitation programs for children with disabilities through the active participation of their families and cooperation of the local government unit of Los Banos.
  • Developing a Gender-Responsive and Rights-Based Legal and Paralegal Services for People in Vulnerable Situations in Davao City: The Ateneo Public Interest and Legal Advocacy Center–Ateneo de Davao University (APILA-AdDU) will train lawyers, paralegals and development workers in assisting vulnerable communities in Davao City, particularly people in conflict areas, violent relationships, indigenous peoples, internally displaced communities, women, children and people living with HIV and AIDS.
  • Strengthening Civilian Protection in Conflict- Affected Communities in Mindanao: The Balay Rehabilitation Center will promote cooperation between civil society, the Commission on Human Rights and LGUs to address human rights violations; and contribute to the strengthening of a national human rights framework for civilian protection.
  • Democratic Citizenship for Change: Enhanced Political Participation among the Filipino Youth: Young Public Servants (YPS) will promote the active participation of the youth in the 2013 elections.
  • Empowering Communities through Human Rights Education Program-4th National Human Rights Training Program): The Pinoy IHRTP Alumni Inc. will build on a continuing initiative to develop a network of human rights educators in the country.
  • Sustainable Livelihood Development for Small-Scale Miners and Rehabilitation of Mining Sites of Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro: The Strategic Intervention on Community-focused Action toward Development (SICAD) Committee, Provincial Government of Oriental Mindoro will focus on increasing the employability and livelihood opportunities of small scale miners through agricultural & fishery production, mangrove forest ecotourism, and indigenous peoples cultural heritage artwork and crafts production.
  • Karapatan sa Malikhaing Paraan (KaSaMa) 2012: The Search for Innovative Philippine Human Rights Initiative: The consortium of the Ateneo Human Rights Center, Ateneo School of Government (ASoG) and CODE-NGO. KaSaMa’s will work to link various innovative human rights initiatives by civil society groups toward supporting broader human rights advocacy.
  • Building Capacity for Socially and Environmentally Sustainable Tourism for Palawan: C3 Philippines Inc. will establish a cooperative of accredited tour guides that will manage a sustainable tourism program in Busuanga, Palawan.

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