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PCOS glitches in recent mock polls can be fixed—PPCRV

BULUAN, Maguindanao—Only five ballots had been fed when the Precinct Count Optical Scan or PCOS machine at the Talitay Elementary School here encountered a software error. As the day wore on, the machine failed to read the ballots or ejected a ballot.

By verafiles


Feb 6, 2013


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A Comelec personnel assists an elderly voter in inserting his ballot to the PCOS machine during the mock election in Brgy. Talitay, Buluan, Maguindanao. (Photo by AMIEL MARK CAGAYAN)
A Comelec personnel assists an elderly voter in inserting his ballot to the PCOS machine during the mock election in Brgy. Talitay, Buluan, Maguindanao. (Photo by AMIEL MARK CAGAYAN)

Text, photo and video by AMIEL MARK CAGAYAN
Additional interview by Radyo Bida, DXMS Cotabato City

BULUAN, Maguindanao—Only five ballots had been fed when the Precinct Count Optical Scan or PCOS machine at the Talitay Elementary School here encountered a software error. As the day wore on, the machine failed to read the ballots or ejected a ballot.

Despite these and other problems observed in the mock polls held on Saturday in this town and Bongao, Tawi-tawi in preparation for the May 13 elections, the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao said there was still time to correct glitches.

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