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VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Salceda’s remark that Philippines has ‘one of the lowest’ inflation rates in the world lacks context

Compared to other Southeast Asian countries, the Philippines' inflation is the sixth highest recorded in 2022. Economic experts say that even if the Philippine economy posted growth, inflation grew faster since December.

By VERA Files


Mar 13, 2023


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Albay Rep. Joey Salceda recently claimed that the Philippines’ inflation rate is “still one of the lowest in the world,” saying this must be “a result of strategy” by the country’s economic managers. This needs context.

(Read VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Marcos wrongly states that PH is ‘leading’ in economic recovery in Asia-Pacific, world)

VERA Files Fact Check looked at the data and consulted economic experts. Find out more in this video:

Check out these sources


House of Representatives, Committee on Appropriations, Feb. 28, 2023

Dr. Ser Percival Peña-Reyes, Personal communication (interview), March 1, 2023

Nicholas Mapa, Personal communication (email), March 6, 2023

Ha, Jongrim, M. Ayhan Kose, and Franziska Ohnsorge, One-Stop Source: A Global Database of Inflation. Policy Research Working Paper 9737. World Bank, Washington DC

International Monetary Fund, ​​​​World Economic Outlook (October 2022) – Inflation rate, average consumer prices, March 2, 2023

Philippine Statistics Authority, Press Conference on February 2023 Inflation Report, March, 7, 2023

Philippine Statistics Authority, Press Conference on January 2023 Inflation, Feb. 7, 2023


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