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Tag Archives: APEC 2015

PH worked for PWD inclusion in APEC declaration

By JAKE SORIANO THE National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) has lauded the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders Declaration, saying it opens doors not just for the sector but to a more inclusive economic growth for all. PWDs are mentioned thrice in the 2015 declaration, released on

PH worked for PWD inclusion in APEC declaration

The great divide in an ‘inclusive’ APEC

By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS THE monstrous traffic jam last Monday that caused thousands of people to walk to their destinations under the sweltering heat of the noonday sun shows the disastrous gap between noble intentions and miserable realities on the ground. That’s what makes many people resist embracing the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation which is

The great divide in an ‘inclusive’ APEC

  A Metro Manila never seen before during APEC2015

                 By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS NEXT week, we will experience Metro Manila we have not seen before. For the 23rd summit of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation or APEC which will be held in Manila on Nov. 18 and 19, stringent measures will be implemented to ensure the

  A Metro Manila never seen before during APEC2015

Take an APEC vacation

BY ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS UNLESS you are a participant or in the support staff of the coming summit of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, this is the best time to go on vacation. Anywhere. Just leave Metro Manila. There will be 21 Leaders who will be coming for the Nov. 18 and 19 meeting to

Take an APEC vacation

China’s Xi Jinping may boycott Manila APEC meet

  By ELLEN TORDESILLAS CHINA’S President Xi Jinping may boycott the 2015 Leaders Meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) to be held in Manila on Nov. 18 and 19, a diplomatic source said. The source said the reason for Xi’s change of mind about attending  this year’s APEC summit was the remarks of

China’s Xi Jinping may boycott Manila APEC meet