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Tag Archives: art

After Sendong, kids find joy and comfort through art

Text and videos by DANIEL ABUNALES CAGAYAN DE ORO City – Come April, blackboards are clean, desks are well-arranged, classrooms are left empty. But not in a school in Balulang, a village some 7 kms away that is still reeling from a terrible tragedy. For five full days in April, the sound of drumbeats and

After Sendong, kids find joy and comfort through art

Beauty out of a deadly storm’s debris

Text and photos by ELIZABETH LOLARGA IN a strange way, the logs and trees that came tumbling down when Typhoon Sendong let loose three months' worth of rainfall in one night on Iligan City were victims of neglect like the flood's human victims. Sculptor Julie Lluch, who was born and raised in the city, dislikes it when the term "killer logs" is used.

Beauty out of a deadly storm’s debris