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Tag Archives: Chacha

Business sector raises fears over Cha-cha move

The business community’s joint statement issued on Friday against the revived efforts in Congress to amend the restrictive economic provisions of the Constitution drew attention to the dubious intentions and wrong priorities of those behind this latest Cha-cha initiative.

Business sector raises fears over Cha-cha move

GMA’s second ascent

Gloria Arroyo - in a red- orange dress taking control of the situation at the Batasan Session Hall last Monday- was a personification of what German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche said,“That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.”

GMA’s second ascent

Curtailing freedom of expression redux

Moves in the House of Representatives to insert the words “"responsible exercise" in the freedom of speech part in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights is a revival of the same attempt made by the government of Gloria Arroyo in 2006.

Curtailing freedom of expression redux

5 possible reasons why PNoy floated Chacha and term extension

By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS FACED with overwhelming opposition to a Charter Change to allow President Aquino to extend his term beyond 2016, Malacañang has backtracked and assured the public that he is not supporting changes in the Constitution in the last two years of his presidency. Press Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr and Deputy Presidential Spokesperson

5 possible reasons why PNoy floated Chacha and term extension