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Tag Archives: Maria Ressa

Cyberlibel vs Maria Ressa has prescribed

Maria Ressa was convicted of the crime of libel for an article published on Feb. 19, 2014, which became the subject of a complaint filed on March 1, 2018. The complaint came four years and 10 days after the publication. The Court of Appeals ruled that the crime had not yet prescribed, citing Article 90, in relation to Article 25 of the Revised Penal Code (CA Decision p. 16-18). The Court of Appeals was guided by the Supreme Court First Division’s decision in the Wilbert Tolentino case.

Cyberlibel vs Maria Ressa has prescribed

When fake news made Maria Ressa an ‘Indonesian citizen’

The small office in coastal Mediterranean Spain that attends to Filipino migrants had asked me what my profession was. I said I was an opinion writer seeking the refuge of Europe from death threats in the Philippines. The Filipino across me immediately started a tirade that Nobel Peace Prize awardee Maria Ressa was not Filipino, but Indonesian. I was tempted to ask the man the names of Ressa’s Indonesian parents, but he was nowhere near to putting a period to his long diatribe. I myself did not know the truth. The man was successful in gaslighting me: I myself doubted if I really knew who Maria Ressa was. I was pounded into submissive silence.

When fake news made Maria Ressa an ‘Indonesian citizen’

IFCN congratulates Ressa on Nobel Peace Prize

The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), an initiative connecting fact-checkers around the world, congratulated Maria Ressa, chief executive officer and president of online news network Rappler, for winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

IFCN congratulates Ressa on Nobel Peace Prize