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Tag Archives: Pete Lacaba

Sock it to ’em, Pete Lacaba

At Friday’s Gawad CCP awards night, Jose F. Lacaba, apart from speaking truth to power, what he has done was to shake the perfumed set in the audience out of its comfortable complacency. His speech was the night’s golpe de gulat, in a manner of speaking, that for a second shushed the audience in awestruck silence before a sector broke out cheering loudly for the man.

Sock it to ’em, Pete Lacaba

To help the country, tell the truth–Lacaba

  By ELIZABETH LOLARGA Photos by DARIO NOCHE Jose Lacaba had a lucky break in journalism in the ’60s when he found himself working with writing icons Quijano de Manila (Nick Joaquin), Kerima Polotan, and Wilfrido Nolledo. Before that happened, editor Gregorio Brillantes sent the lad to interview and write about Jesuit historian Horacio de

To help the country, tell the truth–Lacaba