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Tag Archives: Quadcom

Why did the Quadcomm not summon Vitaliano Aguirre?

Self-confessed hitman Arturo Lascañas was in the car with another DDS operative to drive Vitaliano Aguirre around town. Aguirre told Lascañas how to counter the breaking news about the human skeletal remains (in Laud quarry). His damage control was to lie: “Tell them the bones belong to World War II burials.”

Why did the Quadcomm not summon Vitaliano Aguirre?

Davao City ‘ghost employees’ early funders of Duterte’s EJKs

The House quad committee (quadcom), which has uncovered gruesome information in its investigation of EJKs, is now into tracing the money trail that financed former president Rodrigo Duterte’s brutal war on drugs.It would be helpful for the quadcom to retrieve the interviews given by self-confessed Duterte Death Squad leader Arturo Lascañas and member Edgar Matobato.

Davao City ‘ghost employees’ early funders of Duterte’s EJKs