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Tag Archives: South China Sea

China’s latest expansion to deny PH access to Ayungin shoal

By TESSA JAMANDRE CHINA has created new artificial islets in two more reefs in the disputed South China Sea, which the Philippine military fears is meant to choke off its access to Ayungin shoal, where a crumbling Philippine Navy ship is beached. In an interview, former Air Force officer Rep. Francisco Acedillo, now partylist representative

China’s latest expansion to deny PH access to Ayungin shoal

State Dept official: U.S. takes no position on South China Sea conflict

  By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS CHINA’S activities in the South China Sea, not surprisingly, figured prominently in the fifth Philippines-United States Bilateral Strategic Dialogue held Tuesday and Wednesday in Manila. The joint statement on the meeting, co-chaired by Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Evan P. Garcia and Undersecretary of National Defense Pio Lorenzo F. Batino for

State Dept official: U.S. takes no position on South China Sea conflict

Magdalo Rep scores neglect of PH-occupied territories in Spratlys

By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS IN the power point presentation Rep. Ashley Acedillo of the Magdalo Party showed last Wednesday, he compared the massive fortification and expansion of the Chinese of their occupied reefs in the disputed Spratlys area in the South China with the miserable state of the islands and reefs occupied by the Philippines.

Magdalo Rep scores neglect of PH-occupied territories in Spratlys

Justice Carpio debunks China’s historical claim of South China Sea

By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS USING China’s very own ancient maps, Justice Antonio T. Carpio debunked the Asian superpower’s ownership claims of almost the whole of South China Sea based on “historical facts.” In a lecture at De La Salle University “Historical Facts, Historical Lies and Historical Rights in the West Philippine Sea,” Carpio took up

Justice Carpio debunks China’s historical claim of South China Sea

China sends new envoy as PH steps up case on South China Sea

By TESSA JAMANDRE CHINA is sending a new ambassador to Manila at a time of strained Philippine-Chinese relations, with the Philippines preparing to step up its territorial claims against China before the international arbitral tribunal. Ambassador Zhao Jinhua, a 48-year-old diplomat who carved his career from the Asian Affairs Department of China’s Foreign Ministry, is

China sends new envoy as PH steps up case on South China Sea

Survey questions the DFA did not ask

By ELLEN TORDESILLAS  DOES Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario have a problem with the case filed with the United Nations Arbitral Court against China’s nine-dash line map that prompted him to commission Social Weather Stations  to do a survey which focused on the case and the problem with China in the West Philippine Sea? SWS

Survey questions the DFA did not ask

China’s smallest province plays big role in South China Sea claim

  By ELLEN TORDESILLAS ALARM  bells rang again with the announcement last week by China that Hainan, its southernmost province, was implementing a Fishery Law that requires foreign fishing boats to get its approval when venturing into the South China Sea starting Jan. 1, 2014. Hainan, with an area of 32,900 square kilometers, is China’s

China’s smallest province plays big role in South China Sea claim

AFP probers say US, not China, put concrete blocks in Bajo de Masinloc

THE concrete blocks in Bajo de Masinloc, which Philippine defense and military officials last month accused China of putting there, may have actually been placed by the United States Navy decades ago, military sources said. A military investigation found that the concrete slabs were covered by algae, an indication that they had been in the area

AFP probers say US, not China, put concrete blocks in Bajo de Masinloc

PH, China in battle of photos on Scarborough shoal

By ELLEN TORDESILLAS Concrete blocks or just rocks and corals? That is the latest question troubling the strained relationship between the Philippines and China over the disputed Bajo de Masinloc, also known as Scarborough Shoal, off the South China Sea. This time, though, the dispute is playing out through photographs, more than words. A week

PH, China in battle of photos on Scarborough shoal