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VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Video of Kris Aquino saying she’ll sue hospital where PNoy died is FAKE

Kris Aquino, who leads a public life on social media, made no such statement in any of her accounts or to any media organization.

By VERA Files


Jun 29, 2021


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Kris Aquino, TV personality and youngest sister of former President Benigno Aquino III, did not say she would file charges against the hospital that pronounced her brother dead, contrary to a video posted June 24 by Facebook (FB) page Showbiz PH Update.

The video, headlined “Kris Aquino, KAKASOHAN (sic) ang OSPITAL kung saan DINALA si NOYNOY AQUINO (Kris Aquino will sue the hospital where Noynoy Aquino was brought)!” is fabricated. There are no pronouncements from any member of the Aquino family about this.

Showbiz PH Update added a fake quote in its thumbnail showing the actress supposedly saying, “Humanda kayo! Hinding hindi ko kayo mapapatawad (Get ready! I will never forgive you)!” The narrator of the fabricated video said it “gathered” information that the younger Aquino was going to sue Capitol Medical Center, but provided no further details.

The Quezon City hospital said that the 61-year-old former chief executive died of renal failure, secondary to diabetes, on June 24.

Kris Aquino, who leads a public life on social media, has also made no such statement in any of her accounts or to any media organization.

The rest of the FB video only discussed details of the former president’s passing and showed a flipped version of a June 24 FB Live video originally posted on Kris Aquino’s official page. It featured her sister, Pinky Aquino-Abellada, reading the family’s official statement on their only brother’s death that day.

Showbiz PH Update’s fake video emerged hours after news of the passing of the country’s 15th president made the headlines. It has been viewed 228,000 times and has gotten over 4,700 interactions.

Of its more than 700 comments, some pointed out that the FB page’s video was “fake news.” The page was created on March 26, 2020.

Youtube channels Showbiz TV and Showbiz News also uploaded the same video that day. However, the latter’s headline was worded differently: “Kris Aquino, KINASOHAN ang OSPITAL kung saan BINAWIAN ng BUHAY si NOYNOY AQUINO (Kris Aquino sued the hospital where Noynoy Aquino died)!” Both had their comment sections disabled.

SHOWBIZ TV’s video was viewed over 38,400 times, while Showbiz News’s video had more than 9,000 views. Both channels were created on March 30, 2019.

(Editor’s Note: VERA Files has partnered with Facebook to fight the spread of disinformation. Find out more about this partnership and our methodology.)

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