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Tag Archives: Duterte

VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Can Duterte stamp out corruption?

FIRST, it was the enormity of the drug menace that prompted President Rodrigo Duterte to ask for “a little extension.” Now, he seems to be waffling on yet another promise: stamp out scalawags in public office. On multiple occasions, Duterte committed to end corruption in government. His latest statement was said before the Filipino community

VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Can Duterte stamp out corruption?

VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Is the DILG vetting the narco-lists?

CAREFUL not to include wrong names on his narco-lists again, President Rodrigo Duterte said he is having them revalidated by key agencies, citing the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) as one of them. STATEMENT: During the 115th anniversary of the Philippine Coast Guard on Oct. 12, Duterte said: “Until now, I’m trying to

VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Is the DILG vetting the narco-lists?

FVR has earned the right to critique Duterte

BY ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS THE critique of former President Fidel V. Ramos of President Duterte’s first 100 days should be a warning to the latter that he cannot go on with his “Kill, Kill” mantra with five years and nine months more to go in his presidency. FVR burst the bubble of Malacañang’s euphoria over

FVR has earned the right to critique Duterte

Wow, Agot Isidro!

                                              By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS I have always liked Agot Isidro – her lovely face, her intelligent acting and the dignified manner she conducts herself in showbusiness. Her Facebook post last Friday – the 100th day of the Duterte presidency- made me admire her more. This post by Agot has gone viral liked by

Wow, Agot Isidro!

War on drugs: What the numbers show

By YVONNE T. CHUA A HUNDRED days into his presidency, Rodrigo Duterte’s brutal “war on drugs” has chalked up an official tally of 3,652 deaths. The Philippine National Police classifies 1,377 or 38 percent of the deaths as having occurred in legitimate anti-drug operations and 321 or 9 percent as deaths it has investigated and

War on drugs: What the numbers show

Waging a bloody war on drugs

Text and video by LUIS LIWANAG AS the veil of darkness shrouds the city, they gather and hold their nightly vigil. They are local and international journalists out to investigate the deaths. For months now, dead bodies have been littering the streets every night. The bodies are found and categorized according to the manner of

Waging a bloody war on drugs

Threatening reporters, not journalism, is a crime

    By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS ONCE again, warped thinking was on full display when Yolly Reyes Junto posted on Facebook her rant against Reuters reporters Manny Mogato and Karen Lerma over the story of President Duterte comparing himself with Adolf Hitler. Junto’s  Oct. 1 post started with a purported disclaimer: “I am no Duterte fanatic. I

Threatening reporters, not journalism, is a crime

VERA FILES FACT CHECK: The ‘foolproof’ narco-list

PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte on Monday said he would never be “foolish” enough to commit errors on his narco-lists. The next day, he apologized to public officials he wrongly linked to illegal drugs — the mistake done either through “negligence” or in bad faith. STATEMENT: On Sept. 26, the president said care should be exercised when

VERA FILES FACT CHECK: The ‘foolproof’ narco-list