VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Abella’s statements vis-a-vis what the surveys say
VERA Files annotates what Abella says about the surveys with what the surveys actually say, to show which parts are precise and which not so.
VERA Files annotates what Abella says about the surveys with what the surveys actually say, to show which parts are precise and which not so.
Can the Philippines sell its islands to China?
President Rodrigo Duterte said Davao City is ‘relatively safe’. Is it?
Is the president correct in saying that Davao City's growth is “unprecedented”?
Test your fact-checking skills with us.
The president says there are EU countries with death penalty. Is that so?
Join us at the UP College of Mass Communication Auditorium this Wednesday, March 29, 10 a.m. to noon, as the Department of Journalism and Vera Files hold "Alternative Facts: IS THAT SO?", a forum to mark the First International Fact-Checking Day.
Have these lawmakers stuck to or changed their stand on the death penalty since 2006?
Excellence in math has something to do with language, Presidente Duterte says.
Can the president “order” the AMLC to release information about his net worth.