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Tag Archives: Mamasapano tragedy

Why did Aquino float the ‘baseless alternative truth’?

               By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS  A week after he floated an “alternative version” to the killing of  Malaysian terrorist Zulkifli “Marwan”bin Hir last January which also cost the lives of 63 people, 44 of them members of the elite Special Action Force of the Philippine National Police, President Aquino

Why did Aquino float the ‘baseless alternative truth’?

Mar forgot to tell PNoy about BOI request

  Interior Secretary Mar Roxas forgot to tell President Aquino of the request Police Director Benjamin Magalong to interview him before the Board of Inquiry on the Mamasapaano tragedy released their report last March 13, ABS-CBN reported. Magalong said he met with Aquino in Malacañang on Tuesday together with Roxas and Philippine National Police Officer-in-Charge

Mar forgot to tell PNoy about BOI request

Poe to Aquino: Be a leader, tell the truth

                                  By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS READING President Aquino’s speech before the 2015 graduates of the Philippine Military Academy last Sunday, I got the impression that he is isolated from the real world outside Malacañang. For how does one who has to suffer daily the monstrous Metro Manila traffic and the inefficiency of the MRT accept

Poe to Aquino: Be a leader, tell the truth

BOI requested for interview with Aquino

By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS IT is not true that the Board of Inquiry did not try to ask the side of President Aquino on the Jan. 25 Mamasapano tragedy that claimed 67 lives including 44 of the country’s elite police commandos, 18 members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, and five civilians, including an eight-year

BOI requested for interview with Aquino

Grief lingers a month after the Mamasapano tragedy

  By JOHNNA VILLAVIRAY GIOLAGON TUKANALIPAO, Mamasapano – The old woman sat gravely in a corner of an unfinished classroom in Mamasapano town as an officer from the regional government explained that her group will be receiving complimentary health insurance. Her head was covered with a maroon hijab, the bright color belying the sorrow in

Grief lingers a month after the Mamasapano tragedy


  By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS THE tragedy in Mamasapano, Maguindanao claimed the lives of 44 of the country’s elite policemen, 18 members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and some civilians. One of those who died was an eight-year old girl named Sarah. I learned about Sarah from Hussein Macarambon’s Facebook heart-rending post: “ At
