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Tag Archives: Mangroves

Man who can’t speak gives voice to environment

Ramon Sta. Ana, 67, could barely talk. Six successive strokes permanently damaged his speech motor, leaving the former barangay captain dependent on interpreters for communication. His sentences are slurred. But whatever voice is left of him, the 67-year-old mangrove caretaker is dedicating it to the protection of the environment.

Man who can’t speak gives voice to environment

A Lesson from Sri Lanka on saving mangroves

  By FERDIE C. MARCELO WHEN Yolanda lashed Samar and Leyte in November 2013, feet tripped on feet to contain the damage. The statistics that surfaced five months after were terrifying: 6,300 dead, 4.1 million displaced, and 1.1 million houses damaged or destroyed. To this day the effects are still being felt by the villagers,

A Lesson from Sri Lanka on saving mangroves