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Tag Archives: Research

Studies on pork scam, human rights win journ research awards

THREE outstanding journalism research papers undertaken by university students bagged this year’s top awards of the Philippine Journalism Research Conference 2015. The awards, named after the late University of the Philippines-Diliman journalism professor and VERA Files trustee Chit Estella, went to: Southern Luzon State University’s Beejay Alegria Castillo for his research on the pork barrel

Studies on pork scam, human rights win journ research awards

UP students win big in Chit Estella journalism awards

UNIVERSITY of the Philippines journalism students hauled in the top prizes at the 2014 Philippine Journalism Research Conference (PJRC) at the University of the Philippines on Wednesday. Aiming to highlight commendable researches of journalism students, this year’s PJRC gave the Chit Estella Memorial Awards for Journalism Research to students with the most excellent work. UP

UP students win big in Chit Estella journalism awards