FACT CHECK: Hontiveros urging to build condos where the poor live NEEDS CONTEXT
A Facebook user claimed that Senator Risa Hontiveros urged the building of condos on land where the poor live.
A Facebook user claimed that Senator Risa Hontiveros urged the building of condos on land where the poor live.
A fake quote card circulating online claims that dismissed mayor Alice Guo challenged Sen. Risa Hontiveros to investigate the alleged blank items in the bicameral report of the 2025 national budget.
A TikTok video falsely claiming that Sen. Risa Hontiveros walked out of the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee hearing on the previous administration's drug war after a heated exchange with ex- president Rodrigo Duterte.
It was the sign that Rodrigo Duterte had succeeded in outmatching (naisahan) the senators when he came to the Senate and brought it down to his level of gutter talk and bullying:
An erroneous YouTube video has revived a claim that Sen. Risa Hontiveros has been sentenced by a court for being involved in PhilHealth's illegal issuance of bonuses.
Trillanes said the opposition needs a leader who is in the thick of things, not someone who is invisible.
A YouTube video and a blog claimed that Sen. Risa Hontiveros was removed from the Senate following an order from President Bongbong Marcos and Vice President Sara Duterte-Carpio. This is not true, but a clickbait to an unrelated video.
At least three Facebook videos wrongly claimed that Sen. Risa Hontiveros called President Bongbong Marcos immature, following his administration’s decision to disengage with the International Criminal Court.
A video claimed that Sen. Risa Hontiveros called President Bongbong Marcos lutang (spaced out). This is misleading. The senator used the term to describe the hasty passage of the Maharlika Fund bill, and was not referring to the president.
A YouTube video has revived the false claim that Sen. Risa Hontiveros benefitted from PhilHealth's illegal bonuses in 2014. Records show Hontiveros was not involved in the mess.