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VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Remulla NOT removed as Justice sec

Another video falsely claims that Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla is being let go. Not true.

By VERA Files


Feb 16, 2023


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Another video falsely claims that Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin “Boying” Remulla is being let go. Not true.

Neither Malacañang nor the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that Remulla is on the way out.

VERA Files Fact Check has debunked two similar false claims in December and January. (Read: Marcos DID NOT order Remulla to step down and Another video FALSELY claims Marcos sacked Remulla)

Posted on Feb. 13 by Facebook (FB) page Geryen TV Official and YouTube channel Geryen TV, the false video bore this headline: 

SOJ BOYING SISIBAKIN NA!!! PABIGAT NA SA ADMINISTRASYONG MARCOS!!! ITO PALA ANG DAHILAN (SOJ Boying getting axed! A burden in the Marcos administration!!! This is the reason)…”

Its thumbnail carried images of Remulla and Marcos and the text: “BOYING SISIBAKIN NA! ABUSADO SA KAPANGYARIHAN BILANG SOJ (Boying getting axed! Abusive in his power as SoJ)!”

The accompanying video provided no support to back up the post’s false claim. A vlogger at the beginning only said that radio commentator Anthony “Ka Tunying” Taberna challenged Marcos to fire anyone who needs to be fired. 

The rest of the 14-minute video played a Feb. 11 vlog from YouTube channel The General’s Opinion, where a different vlogger challenged Marcos to sack Remulla.

The erroneous video appeared two days after Taberna said in an FB Live that he doesn’t believe Remulla should be sacked over the drug case that was filed against, and eventually won by, the latter’s son.

The video posted by FB page Geryen TV Official (created on Jan. 20, 2021) and YouTube channel Geryen TV (created on Sept. 19, 2019) got a total of 208,715 interactions.

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(Editor’s Note: VERA Files has partnered with Facebook to fight the spread of disinformation. Find out more about this partnership and our methodology.)

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