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VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Video showing Robredo calling herself ‘lugaw’ MISLEADS

The term “lugaw” has been used by trolls and detractors to mock Robredo, after her supporters served rice porridge to raise funds for her campaign during the 2016 elections.

By VERA Files


Mar 18, 2022


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A Facebook (FB) post carried a TikTok clip of a spliced video that made Vice President and presidential candidate Leni Robredo look like she referred to herself as “lugaw” (rice porridge).

The clip was taken from a video of Robredo’s Feb. 24 campaign rally in Cebu. After editing, Robredo could be heard saying: “Lugaw man sa kanilang paningin, pero Leni is lugaw rin (Might look like porridge in their eyes, but Leni is porridge too).”

In the original campaign rally video, Robredo actually said: “Lugaw man sa kanilang paningin, pero Leni is the last man standing (Might look like porridge in their eyes, but Leni is the last man standing). She was reading a slogan created by one of her supporters.

The term “lugaw” has been used by trolls and detractors to mock Robredo, after her supporters served rice porridge to raise funds for her campaign during the 2016 elections.

FB page JohnRey Tv (created on March 2, 2019) posted the one-minute compilation of three TikTok videos on Feb. 27, showing the misleading TikTok clip twice. The video, mocking Robredo for reading but not understanding slogans in Bisaya, which is not her native tongue, appeared a day after the vice president held a campaign rally in Guimaras.

A TikTok query search of the phrase “pero Leni is lugaw rin,” as shown in the FB video, reveals that a TikTok user who openly supports Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, originally posted the misleading clip on Feb. 25. It drew 734,000 interactions.

JohnRey TV’s video got a total of 2.93 million interactions.


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(Editor’s Note: VERA Files has partnered with Facebook to fight the spread of disinformation. Find out more about this partnership and our methodology.)

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