VERA FILES FACT CHECK: FALSE claim about Kris Aquino wearing sequestered Marcos jewelry resurfaces
Kris Aquino debunked the allegation in a 2016 Instagram post and clarified that she paid for her necklace with her hard-earned money.
Kris Aquino debunked the allegation in a 2016 Instagram post and clarified that she paid for her necklace with her hard-earned money.
Imee became one of the co-authors when a similar bill she filed in 2019 was consolidated into SB 1411. Hontiveros served as the principal sponsor of the bill.
An unverified audio clip of Ferdinand Marcos Sr. criticizing Cory Aquino's prohibition of operation of the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant resurfaces.
The statement about putting up an NGO is real but was maliciously modified, where several phrases are repeated, to make Robredo sound dumb.
A Facebook video is duping people into thinking that Kris Aquino has passed away.