How did lawmakers reverse a law before it was fully implemented?
Vape bill version 2022:
Congress “hijacks” stringent regulations

Tobacco industry sticks to game plan amid the pandemic
In the middle of a deadly health crisis, the tobacco industry scored a win in the country, sticking to a tried and tested playbook to protect its interests.

Emasculating the FDA
Nearly 17 years after the Philippines became a party to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), the first international treaty negotiated under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO), efforts to comply with some of the remaining major commitments are met with even more intensified resistance from the legislature.

‘95% less harm?’: Without scientific consensus, legislators favor ‘reduced risk’ claims in e-cigs, HTPs
Of these “less harmful” products, e-cigarettes and HTPs are considered the most “commercially successful” and “socially acceptable” alternatives by the industry.

Bill provides younger people easier access to smoke-free alternatives
Adults who start beyond 25 can better control their impulse as compared to adolescents. This could give way to more problems with impulse, cognitive and mental health, she said.

Vape bill eases restrictions on flavors, online advertising
There are over 15,000 flavors available and being sold to the market, according to Ulysses Dorotheo, executive director of the Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA). These flavors vary from fruity ones to milk and chocolate drinks, among others, and are marketed as “beginner-friendly” by some retailers.
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