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Tag Archives: Duterte administration

PH notes errors in ICC ruling on drug probe, presses for reversal

The International Criminal Court (ICC) made “legal errors” in its decision to allow the resumption of its investigation into the Duterte administration’s controversial war on drugs and should reverse the ruling, the government said in its appeal brief filed on March 13. “It is submitted that the Pre-Trial Chamber (PTC) committed several errors of law

PH notes errors in ICC ruling on drug probe, presses for reversal

Families relive the horrors of Duterte’s drug war

Thinking of the "drug war", certain images come to mind: darkened crime scenes, dead bodies on the floor with cardboards tagging victims as drug users, the police fending off a crime scene from grieving families and spectators in shock. One of the most known photographs of the ongoing drug war in the Philippines was taken by Raffy Lerma. In this image that was later called the Pieta, Jennilyn Olayres is seen holding her partner, Michael Siaron, who was shot to death by motorcycle-riding gunmen.

Families relive the horrors of Duterte’s drug war

Who’s really leading us to perdition?

While President Rodrigo Duterte boasts of having “bright” people in his Cabinet and assures that his administration is “busy doing everything” to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, he also warns that “many more will die” and that the solution to the COVID-19 problem is beyond his control.

Who’s really leading us to perdition?