The 20-year-old seat belt law remains ignored, violated: LTO
The Seat Belt Law is 20 years old today but just by looking around, one finds that buckling up is still not a voluntary act among passengers and even drivers.
The Seat Belt Law is 20 years old today but just by looking around, one finds that buckling up is still not a voluntary act among passengers and even drivers.
The meetings will address issues relating to car seats from pricing to proper installation and maintenance.
An Australian road safety expert said the Philippines has the “environment” to implement the car seat law because of its “attitude”, government support, and existing product standards.
Parents laud the car seat law but also raise concerns over its implementation.
A road crash left severe injuries on a married couple but left their baby unharmed in a car seat
Parents get their kids child restraints before the car seat law and the results are worth it.
Always look left, right and left again when crossing the street.
Not only are road safety lessons put in social science subjects, but students, teachers, and parents also participate in proper road crossing activities.
Deadline: June 30, 2019
Car seats may be costly, but a crash could be more expensive.