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FACT CHECK: The Marcos administration’s evolving stance on allowing ICC investigators


The Marcos administration will not get in the way of the International Criminal Court prosecutor’s interview of five suspects in its probe of Duterte’s bloody drug war.



Previously, administration officials adopted a firm stance against cooperating with the ICC in its drug war probe, asserting the country’s sovereignty and questioning the ICC’s jurisdiction over the Philippines.

By VERA Files

Sep 2, 2024

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Solicitor General Menardo Guevarra said on July 29 that the Philippine government will “not get in the way” of the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) interview of the five former and current high-ranking police officials tagged as suspects in the Duterte administration’s drug war.

This was in reaction to a document shared by former senator Antonio Trillanes IV which named the five officials, including Sen. Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa, as suspects that the ICC Office of the Prosecutor believes to “have committed crimes within [its] jurisdiction.”

Guevarra’s July statement is just one of varied statements from top officials in the Marcos Cabinet on the administration’s stand on the ICC probe. While some officials maintain that the ICC has “no jurisdiction” to investigate Duterte’s drug war following the country’s withdrawal from the Rome Statute, others gave confusing statements.

Here’s how they mulled over the issue in the past two years:



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