Archive - Health Year all all 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Items per page 12 12 18 24 30 Health VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Doctor on TikTok claim that oral glutathione helps reverse fatty liver is unproven Taking oral glutathione is not included in the guidelines to reverse non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, hepatologist Arlinking Ong-Go. By VERA Files | Apr 19, 2023 | 3-minute read KEEP READING Health VERA FILES FACT CHECK: ‘ABS-CBN’ impostor sites post FAKE story on ‘diabetes cure’ Websites imitating ABS-CBN News posted a story on "Glucoactive", a diabetes remedy supposedly endorsed by Dr. Tony Leachon. The article is fabricated. By VERA Files | Apr 18, 2023 | 3-minute read KEEP READING Health VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Claim that unhealthy lifestyle a risk for heat stroke NEEDS CONTEXT A person with an unhealthy lifestyle is more likely to suffer from heat stroke, an alternative medicine practitioner claimed in a Facebook (FB) Reel. This needs context as there are other factors that increase the risk of body overheating. By VERA Files | Mar 24, 2023 | 2-minute read KEEP READING Health VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Videos DECEPTIVELY use doctors’ vlogs to promote magnetic underwear Four videos advertising magnetic underwear that allegedly enlarge one’s penis size illicitly used vlogs by Dr. Willie Ong and a medical doctor. There's no medical or scientific explanation to this claim. By VERA Files | Mar 14, 2023 | 3-minute read KEEP READING Health VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Ads peddling ‘Thyroid Mana’ are a SCAM Several FB pages are advertising a health supplement called Thyroid Mana that can allegedly cure a myriad of thyroid-related illnesses. This is a scam. By VERA Files | Mar 2, 2023 | 3-minute read KEEP READING Health VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Placing onions on foot soles does NOT treat high uric acid, rheumatism An herbalist incorrectly claimed that putting sliced onions on the soles of one’s feet cures high uric acid levels and rayuma within a week. By VERA Files | Mar 1, 2023 | 3-minute read KEEP READING Health VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Video about drinking water after eating NEEDS CONTEXT A TikTok video claimed that drinking water right after a meal could weaken the stomach’s digestive juices and affect digestion. By VERA Files | Feb 10, 2023 | 6-minute read KEEP READING Health VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Vlogger TWISTS Pfizer CEO’s statement on COVID vaccines A vlogger known for spreading COVID-19 disinformation took out-of-context the Pfizer CEO's recent statement. By VERA Files | Jan 30, 2023 | 2-minute read KEEP READING Health VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Taking night showers does NOT increase risk of stroke Medical specialists dismissed any correlation between taking a bath no matter what time of day to high blood pressure, the main cause of stroke. By VERA Files | Jan 27, 2023 | 3-minute read KEEP READING Health VERA FILES FACT CHECK: FB posts, sites promote FAKE cure vs high cholesterol Six Facebook (FB) pages and two websites are advertising a product they tout to be “safe” and “super effective” against high cholesterol and fatty liver. These are yet another health scam. By VERA Files | Jan 27, 2023 | 3-minute read KEEP READING Health VERA FILES FACT CHECK: ‘Sinusitis spray’ ads on FB are FAKE Several Facebook posts are advertising an “all-natural” nasal spray that guarantees to cure sinusitis and rhinitis within seven to 14 days. These are scams. By VERA Files | Jan 27, 2023 | 3-minute read KEEP READING Health VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Impostor site posts FAKE ‘ANC’ story on ‘instant cure’ for cataract, glaucoma A website posing as ABS-CBN News Channel (ANC) published a report on a product that allegedly treats two eye conditions without surgery. Cardiologist Dr. Willie Ong supposedly developed the cure. By VERA Files | Jan 26, 2023 | 3-minute read KEEP READING Posts pagination Newer posts 1 2 3 4 5 … 19 Older posts