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Tag Archives: Boying Remulla

VERA FILES FACT SHEET: Is having 110 million Filipinos good or bad?

In a press conference on Nov. 21, Justice Secretary Boying Remulla defended the decision of the Philippine delegation to reject the United Nations Human Rights Council’s recommendation to decriminalize abortion. “We have to discuss more on the policy of population growth kasi may lumalabas that there are benefits and there’s just good and bad about

VERA FILES FACT SHEET: Is having 110 million Filipinos good or bad?

Why Boying Remulla needs to resign

"Hindi kasalanan ng ama ang kasalanan ng anak."For now, we will park that statement as a vacuous one, especially if it comes from Remulla political ally Bong Revilla. The moral theology of the sin-of-the-father-sin-of-the-son interface is the wrong application for the Remulla son’s riddle on his drug charges.

Why Boying Remulla needs to resign