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Tag Archives: covid-19PH

The transformation of Metro Manila in the time of COVID-19

More and more, President Duterte is giving the uniformed personnel a bigger role in the implementation of the Luzon-wide lockdown he imposed beginning March 16 to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus that has rampaging in all parts of the world claiming lives of hundreds of thousands. In the thousands have been afflicted. While over 600 have recovered, more than 500 have died.

The transformation of Metro Manila in the time of COVID-19

The importance of up-to-date and accurate data in winning the fight vs Covid-19

Here’s the reply of Dr Rabindra Abeyasinghe, WHO representative in the Philippines: “It is difficult to make a sensible statement on fatality rate in a context where we do not have a clear picture on the total number of infected cases. Currently the estimated Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of known confirmed cases divided by known confirmed deaths is lower in the Philippines (4 percent) than globally (5 percent), but with the limited testing capacity in the Philippines, all mild and asymptomatic cases are not tested and thus not counted among the total confirmed number of cases, significantly affecting the CFR. “

The importance of up-to-date and accurate data in winning the fight vs Covid-19