VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Claim that DOH does not monitor vaccine-related deaths FALSE
The DOH does track fatalities and serious adverse effects following immunization.
The DOH does track fatalities and serious adverse effects following immunization.
This needs context. PCR testing is being done to detect the Ebola virus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and Zika virus. It is a method that allows scientists to make multiple copies of DNA, a double-stranded molecule that contains information to create cells, bacteria, and viruses.
“To date, there is no scientific evidence that eating instant noodles and (taking) carbonated drinks at the same time is hazardous to health,” said Dulcinea Balce-Santos, a gastroenterologist and a member of the Philippine Society for Gastroenterology (PSG) in an interview with VERA Files Fact Check.
Experts say the claims about cold water causing health problems are scientifically unproven.
Blood vessels do not explode on exposure to cold.
An expert advised against putting a whole garlic clove inside one’s ear.
Akesis Holistic Health’s post also included a misleading claim on the use of the drug abroad, and recommended doses for it.
Also known as sleep starts, they are “normal physiologic movements not related to death,” according to one neurologist.
While in moderation, it may be beneficial for the treatment of hypertension, there is a lack of clinical trials proving the plant’s safety and efficacy as a cancer treatment.
There are no records or scientific evidence supporting the claim that the plant is cancerous, although it can be poisonous and should not be chewed or ingested.