VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Quiboloy’s proposed canonization of Ateneo shooting suspect is SATIRE
A satirical Facebook post is misleading netizens into believing that Pastor Apollo Quiboloy wants Chao Tiao Yumol to be declared a saint.
A satirical Facebook post is misleading netizens into believing that Pastor Apollo Quiboloy wants Chao Tiao Yumol to be declared a saint.
How did he become the Appointed Son of God? Apollo Quiboloy relates his “anointment” story.
The televangelist has said no such thing.
By ELLEN T. TORDESILLAS ONLY ten days that Pastor Apollo Quiboloy and incoming President Rodrigo Duterte haven’t talked with each other and the “Son of God” is already hurting. Sharing with media the Pastor’s hurt feeling, Quiboloy’s spokesperson, Mike Abe, said the last face-to-face meeting of the two was at 3 a.m. of May