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Tag Archives: West Philippine Sea

Protesters tell China: ‘Back Off’

By JOHNNA VILLAVIRAY GIOLAGON Photos by MARIO IGNACIO SOME  500  Filipinos staged a protest rally in front of the  Chinese consulate Wednesday in  Makati to express outrage over what has been described as China’s creeping invasion of waters west of the Philippine archipelago. Nobody  in the  consulate, which was closed for “security reasons”  met with

Protesters tell China: ‘Back Off’

Stopping China by engagement

IN Bangkok last week, the commander of the United States Pacific Command, Admiral Samuel Locklear, said the usual line that their Asian allies expect from visiting American officials: we will oppose China’s expansionism. “We will oppose the change of status quo by force of anyone,” Locklear said referring to the situation in South China Sea

Stopping China by engagement

Word war at the Senate (Read the full text)

SEN. Antonio Trillanes IV on Wednesday accused Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile of being a “GMA lackey” for supposedly rushing a bill that would cut up Camarines Sur province as a favor to former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

Word war at the Senate (Read the full text)