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VERA FILES FACT CHECK: FB pages, groups spread FAKE Robredo quote card on face shields

Robredo said no such thing. This post followed her statement in a media briefing where she said: “Sa totoo lang, medyo naasiwa ako na, at this point, issue pa rin sa atin ang face shield. Imbes sana na napagkakagastusan natin ‘yon, idagdag nalang natin sa pondo sa bakuna.” (To be honest, I’m annoyed that the face shield [mandate] is still an issue for us. Instead of buying more, we should increase our funds for the vaccine).

By VERA Files


Nov 12, 2021


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Several Facebook (FB) groups, pages and a netizen posted a fabricated quote card of Vice President Leni Robredo saying face shields should be worn on top of full face helmets.

The fake quote read: ““Para saakin [sic] kailangan naka face shield din yung mga naka full face helmet kapag nagmo-motor.” (For me, face shields should be worn by motorists wearing full face helmets.)

The quote drew comments criticizing Robredo for being “crazy,” while some accused the pages of spreading “fake news.” It is one of those fabricated quotes designed to make Robredo look foolish. (See VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Robredo did not say motorcycle riders should sit back-to-back and VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Netizens mock Robredo for FAKE quote on teenage pregnancy).

Robredo said no such thing. This post followed her statement in a media briefing where she said: “Sa totoo lang, medyo naasiwa ako na, at this point, issue pa rin sa atin ang face shield. Imbes sana na napagkakagastusan natin ‘yon, idagdag nalang natin sa pondo sa bakuna.” (To be honest, I’m annoyed that the face shield [mandate] is still an issue for us. Instead of buying more, we should increase our funds for the vaccine).

The photo used in the fabricated graphic came from Robredo’s 2020 video where she laid out her recommendations to improve the national economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

This quote card was posted by an FB netizen on Nov. 6 and garnered more than 3,200 reactions, 1,100 comments and 6,600 shares.

The graphic was also posted by several FB groups and pages: CP V (created on August 16, 2019), Bongbong Marcos Supporters (September 20, 2021), PDP Laban Zambo Sur (September 17, 2018) and Triple Click Bantay ng Bayan at Kakampi ng Pilipino (November 28, 2015). Their posts garnered a combined total of more than 10,200 reactions, 3,700 comments and 7,200 shares.

Have you seen any dubious claims, photos, memes, or online posts that you want us to verify? Fill out this reader request form.

(Editor’s Note: VERA Files has partnered with Facebook to fight the spread of disinformation. Find out more about this partnership and our methodology.)

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