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VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Video with MISLEADING claim on Robredo’s dismissed cases resurfaces

A Facebook page reuploaded a TikTok video claiming that Vice President Leni Robredo has pending cases, including sedition. This is misleading.

By vera files fact check


May 20, 2022


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A Facebook (FB) page reuploaded on May 17 a three-month-old TikTok video claiming that Vice President Leni Robredo has pending cases, including sedition. 

Both videos on FB and TikTok used a 20-second audio clip from a July 18, 2019 report of GMA News’ 24 Oras. The video posted by the FB page Kabagis (created on Nov. 2, 2021) was titled: “Kulay Pink ang Rosas Dami pala kaso (Roses are pink [she] apparently has a lot of cases),” referring to Robredo. 

This is misleading. The Department of Justice dismissed on Feb. 10, 2020for lack of probable cause – the cases of sedition, cyberlibel, libel, estafa, harboring a criminal, and obstruction of justice filed against the Vice President and 23 other individuals, among them senators, religious leaders, and lawyers.

VERA Files Fact Check debunked two similar claims in February 2022. 

In 2019, Robredo and 37 others faced charges for supposed involvement in the production and distribution of the “Ang Totoong Narcolist” videos, which accused President Rodrigo Duterte’s family of being involved in the illegal drug trade. 

Kabagis’ video garnered over 33,000 reactions, 4,100 comments, and one million views, while the TikTok video got over 481,000 views, 18,100 reactions, and almost 2,000 comments. The FB video appeared a day after Robredo landed in New York to attend her daughter Jillian’s graduation ceremony.

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(Editor’s Note: VERA Files has partnered with Facebook to fight the spread of disinformation. Find out more about this partnership and our methodology.)

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