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Tag Archives: Trafficking

Au pair abuse continues despite stricter guidelines

By VERLIE Q. RETULIN It was Aug. 2, 2014 when Ron, 27, arrived in Norway. Her host family welcomed her warmly at the airport and then took her to their home where dinner was waiting for her. Ron had gone to the Scandinavian country as an au pair, made possible through a cultural exchange program.

Au pair abuse continues despite stricter guidelines

U.S. to PH: Punish gov’t officials involved in trafficking

By JAKE SORIANO CITING reports that some public officials are “complicit in trafficking or allow traffickers to operate with impunity,” the United States Department of State has urged the Philippine government to prosecute, convict and stringently punish them. “Reports assert some corrupt officials accept payments or sexual services from establishments notorious for trafficking, accept bribes

U.S. to PH: Punish gov’t officials involved in trafficking

Counter-trafficking efforts to involve public

By YVETTE B. MORALES What does a trafficking victim look like? A female who hails from a far-flung area, came a quick answer from the audience. Tara Dermott, project leader of the International Organization on Migration X (IOM X) was quick to correct the misimpression, saying everyone can be a trafficking victim. “There is no

Counter-trafficking efforts to involve public

Maguindanao town police warn residents vs trafficking modus

By JAKE SORIANO UPI, Maguindanao–The local police here warned residents against accepting job offers to work as housekeepers in Marawi City due to reported cases of exploitation there. The Upi Police Station Women and Children Protection Desk (WCPD) said illegal recruiters and traffickers have been preying on poor women minors from the barrios. With the

Maguindanao town police warn residents vs trafficking modus

More than 2,000 trafficked Filipinos trapped in Syria

By JAKE SORIANO A top foreign affairs official said some 2,000 overseas Filipino workers, all of them victims of human trafficking, remain trapped in Syria three years after civil unrest broke out there. Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Senior Special Assistant Renato Villa said during a migration conference earlier this week the Philippine government is

More than 2,000 trafficked Filipinos trapped in Syria

Bangsamoro law to address human trafficking, PWD issues

By JAKE SORIANO HUMAN trafficking is a “big concern” in Mindanao, and will be firmly addressed by the proposed Bangsamoro in the south, one of the drafters of the law creating the autonomous political entity said. The Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL), a crucial piece of legislation in the peace deal between the Philippine government and

Bangsamoro law to address human trafficking, PWD issues

Sex traffickers prey on ‘Yolanda’ children

Text and photos by AVIGAIL M. OLARTE TACLOBAN CITY – On the bed is where she could end it, she thought. She’s 16, he’s six months old. Alyssa (not her real name) was sold for sex one night last year. On board a docked ship in Leyte, in a locked room, a Japanese repeatedly raped

Sex traffickers prey on ‘Yolanda’ children

Philippines poor in prosecuting trafficking cases—US gov’t

By VINCE NONATO DESPITE the Philippine government’s efforts to combat human trafficking, the United States’latest global Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report said it its overall number of convictions remained low. “The Government of the Philippines does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking;however, it is making significant efforts to do so,”

Philippines poor in prosecuting trafficking cases—US gov’t

Slow prosecution of human trafficking cases worries expert

By JANE DASAL THE Philippines has strong laws penalizing human trafficking, but the slow prosecution of cases remains a huge barrier in the campaign against traffickers and their cohorts, an expert said. The trial process is too long and the number of convictions is still low, Visayan Forum policy director Shalima Parmanand said Thursday at an antitrafficking

Slow prosecution of human trafficking cases worries expert